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One Week of 1:1 Voxer Coaching with Michelle

Add for $100 (SAVE $200!) (This offer won’t be available at this price after check out!)
Got a question that pops up after our session is over? Consider it answered within the day. Want my insights as you’re going through your action plan? I’ll be in your inbox with a detailed analysis. Are you feeling stuck on putting into practice what we talked about?  I’ll help you troubleshoot faster than a Google search. Using the voice messaging app Voxer, you’ll have unlimited messaging access to me M-F for coaching, support, and all your questions answered. This offer won't be available after check out.

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1:1 Intensives$250

  • Total payment
  • 1x1:1 Intensives$250

All prices in USD

1:1 Intensives are for you if you're going through a specific problem and want Michelle’s guidance, support, and expertise to navigate through . They’re also an incredible way to have a custom energy healing session -- or a combination of coaching and energy work. You'll not only walk away with a 1-2-3 action plan and clarity on your situation...but you'll also leave feeling deeply transformed by the energy work in a way that lasts far beyond the session hour.

These sessions are perfect for topics like:

Clarity around getting back together with an ex

Figuring out if someone you're seeing is a match for you

Figuring out if something you're seeing is a red flag or "normal"

A full dating profile audit, walking away with a profile that does the legwork for you and is a matchmaking machine

Answers around staying or leaving a connection, relationship, or marriage

Receiving an IFS (parts work), sound healing, and EFT tapping energy clearing session

Virtual or in person reiki

Custom tapping sessions around blocks and self-sabotaging patterns that you can record and revisit well past the session hour

Getting resolution and a way forward for a recurring issue in your relationship or marriage

Getting crystal clear answers on what types of people and personalities are a compatible match with you so you can waste less time with the wrong people

Here’s what you’ll get when you purchase a 1:1 Intensive:

A one hour, 1:1 deep dive session where you can use the session for mindset support, an energy healing session, or a combination of both.

An intake form where you can fill Michelle in on all the details of your situation beforehand (so we waste no time during our session and can dive right in)

A 1-2-3 tangible action plan that you can start implementing right away, delivered to your inbox after our call

A session reflection worksheet so you can integrate and process your breakthroughs on a deeper level

The opportunity to record the session so you can use any of the custom energy healing on your own well after the session is over

An opportunity to apply the investment of one session toward any longer term container (group program or 1:1 coaching) in the future


“A solo call with Michelle is a truly one of a kind experience. My first therapy appointment was about 10 years ago, but my time with Michelle is simply unmatched. She is bursting with kindness, she will give you tough love, and you are entirely held in a safe space during a session. I have been able to release doubts, troubling thoughts, and also recognize so much love and gratitude for myself. Michelle is extremely talented at reading the situation and offering you immediate "spaghettis on the wall" to guide you into your next steps. Two things make her services a cut above the rest: 1) She provides and follows a compassionate intake form to help prepare for your call and keep you on track for your goals and desires. She enters a session with your well-being at the forefront. 2) Michelle's personal stories glow bright and resonate with my soul. Very few professionals offer this level of insight and compassion to their clients. For me, I relish the warmness and simplicity of these stories and apply them to improve the struggling areas of my life. Michelle is the best, and I am so thankful for the strength and confidence she has allowed me to gain in my life.”

-Meg, 30, Business Analyst

“I wouldn’t be here today without the work I did with Michelle.”

 –Lainie, 26, licensed therapist “

Michelle has relationship coaching down to a science.” 

– Allie, 32, Educator

“I am in the healthiest, most loving partnership I have ever experienced…this would not be possible without working my butt off with Michelle!” 

– Laura, 31, licensed therapist 
